

Art and design by Jim LePage

FUTURALBUM: Atmosphere

I'm excited to be a contributor to my bud Troy DeShano's FUTURALBUM project. (Troy and I created and curate Old & New Project together.) FUTURALBUM is a collaborative album design project where contributors re-imagined cover art for any album they choose. 

This is the second design I submitted for the project (see the first here). For those of you that don't know, Atmosphere is a hip hop group from my home state, Minnesota and this is my favorite album title of all time—When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold.

I love the defiant, gritty attitude of that title. Shit will happen, but it's not gonna define me. I'm gonna grab ahold of it and make it into something awesome.

The juxtaposition of that title with Jesus wearing the crown of thorns really struck a chord with me. If life ever gave someone lemons—it's Jesus. Out of place his whole life, he's an innocent man sentenced to death, but not before an extended time of torture and mockery. I love the idea of that crown of thorns—so painful and insulting—being painted gold and turned into a crown of royalty through suffering.

Check it out below, then head over to FUTURALBUM to see more. You can also follow FUTURALBUM on Instagram.